Firewood Fun Facts

Did you know that a cord of Firewood is 4' x 4' x 8' and measures out to 128 cubic feet and can weigh up to 4,000 lbs!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Firewood Heating for 2016

Hi all!  
Thanks to our wonderful customers for buying all of our stock!  Now we're looking forward to 2016 and what that may bring us!  We are searching for some great wood for purchase: Maple, Alder, Cherry, Hemlock, Douglas Fir and other hardwoods.  So if you know of any, feel free to drop us an email!

Here's what's coming in the next year.  We are transitioning our business (looking for a new location) and may be low on inventory for a year or more.  That doesn't mean we're going away!  We are in the process of finding a new home, with a possible retail location (Wouldn't that be great)!  Since properties in the Skagit Valley that fit our needs are not very abundant, we may not find something as quick as we'd like.  

Meanwhile, if you've come to this site in dire need of wood, please feel free to give us a call (Leave a Message!) or shoot us an email and we can give you a few recommendations of other legit businesses in the upper Skagit Valley!


East Skagit Firewood Sales & Service

send email to:

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